1749 words written out of 3000. My Russian music history essay is well on its way, but I can’t quite face it yet this morning.
Instead I feel like penning (or typing) some thoughts and feelings, as I only have two weeks and one day left in Australia. I feel a bit sick when I think about leaving because I’ve had such an awesome experience out here, but there have been times throughout the year when I’ve looked at the 29th June in my diary and wanted it to come around faster.
Two occasions in particular spring to mind. The first was when landing back in Sydney after being in New Zealand for Christmas. I cried as the plane hit the runway because I wanted to be landing back in London. After going on holiday you usually get to go home afterwards. Much as I adore Sydney, I have never thought of it as home; perhaps because it’s always been a temporary residence in my mind. It has always had a time limit.
The second big bout of home sickness occurred about three months ago when the weather turned colder. In England, that means we get festive celebrating first Halloween, then Guy Fawkes night, and then Christmas and New Years. We collect conkers, crack out the fireworks, have bonfires, eat soup…but here in Sydney things just carried on as normal with an extra jumper to keep warm. I did a lot of nostalgic cooking that month, recreating my mum’s classic recipes for a piece of home.
For now, I just have to enjoy my last fifteen days. My favourite sushi place shut down last week, so the timing feels about right. My diary for this week has two or three things noted for each day- last dinners and coffees and trips- so it will probably fly by. Eeesh I don’t want to leave. But I do want to go home. Perhaps if I can just move Sydney a few thousand miles towards Europe?